Product management task for Entry Level

 Product Management  Portfolio 

Prepared by Gafar Sobowale 


Professional Background 

A proactive and vision driven young man interested in research, analysis and modelling in  the production industry. Enjoys practical knowledge, logical and analytical thinking while  contributing to the growth of any community I find myself in. 


B.Eng (Water resources and Environmental Engineering) 

Internship at Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency 

Internship at Dangote Fertilizer 

Certificate of Product Management at Side Hustle Internship 



Using the STAR approach, I was tasked to launch a banking product which offers prepaid  debit cards for teenagers which can be used online or offline. The purpose of this report is  to ascertain that I went through an extensive training by completing the task at hand which  involved Creating the sole problem (I.e why is the product needed/valid to our target  audience), Validating the market, customer and market demands, Identifying and  prioritizing the key assumptions upon which the product is to be laid, Creating user  interviews/surveys to establish why and how the product can serve the target market for  this part I like to believe the Iteration and MVP techniques served a major key in  establishing the product validation. 


Portfolio Outline 

Table of Contents 

Professional Background 


Table of Contents 

Problem Statement 

Assumption Mapping – Risk Importance Graph 

Market Validation 

User Interviews 

MVP Strategy 

User Stories and Features 

Prioritization and Estimation 

Effort / Value Map 


Problem Statement 

Problem Solution Goal

For teenagers/minors who need to make online/offline payments with a debit card without  setting up an account. 

Kuda Teen Bank Account is an online/offline banking service 

That allows teenagers/minors to make online and offline payments with the debit card  which will be managed by the teenagers/minors parents. 

Unlike other banking service, Kuda Teen Account offers a great deal range of services from  overdraft features, a prepaid debit card with good cash back rates. 

We will know this is true when people start using the Kuda Teen Account prepaid debit  card to make payments more often than its competitors 


Assumption Mapping 

Identifying Assumptions 

How big or large is the target market of parents with teens who needs the product Is there a need for the prepaid debit card by this target market since it’s going to be  managed by the parent 

How do we know the target market want a great cash back features for the debit card  they’ll be issued 

Do this target market want to make payments and save at the same time? Does the target market trust Kuda Teen Account to deliver on the benefits been listed? 


Risk importance graph 


Market Validation 

Target market 

Target market for the Kuda bank product is the teenager/minors within the 11-18 age  range who are going to be introduced to the financial world and a parental control on the  debit card to make online/offline payments. 

Market growth and competitors 

The increased use of smartphones and tablets has contributed to an increase in the use of  mobile banking, strong money management abilities, which will lead to better decisions  while using a debit card, is a crucial building stone toward becoming a responsible  consumer of financial products. 


User Interviews 


User Interview 


Do you have the  

prepaid debit card?

First Respondent Yes 

Second Respondent Yes 

Third Respondent Yes 

4th Respondent 


How would you  

describe the Kuda  Teen Account  

opening process

Quite easy to  

navigate and didn’t  break a sweat

Wasn’t too complex  to understand



What other benefits  would you like to be  incorporated in the  Kuda Teen Account

I’d like an health  

insurance plan be  included

I’d like scholarships  grants be offered

I’m quite satisfied  with what I’m  


I’d like a feature that  allows you invest for  my kid’s future with  a bigger ROI


MVP – Assumption and Success Criteria 


Customers want a prepaid debit card to make  successful online and offline payments

Success Criteria 

100% of the respondents validated this

Customers do not need to set up a bank account  before using the 

product - people want to conduct more online  banking?

100% of the respondents validated this

Customers think other similar competitions don't have  the overdraft features

75% of the respondents validated this

Customers want a product that offers better cashback  and savings plan

75% of the respondents validated this


Prototype Strategy and Finding Users 

Kuda bank is a smartphone based company with a huge presence in the digital and social  media world, which is why it has a greater percent of their customers using the bank app  and debit card to run most of their financial activities, log complains and much more  benefits it offers to its targeted market. We can find our target market (parents with teens)  to test the prototype by running ads on selected social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram  e.t.c.), email marketing, direct mails to the existing customers within an age range to cut  across their peers, commercial advertisements on TV screens. 


User Stories 

User stories for the Parent 

Using an app, a parent can quickly and comfortably open an account for their children Need to send money to his/her kids 

Doesn't have to involve human third party when sending the money to the debit card available for  the teens/kids and avoids unnecessary profiling 

Closely monitor how his kids spend the money he sends 

Allows him schedule payments for his kids expenses  

Need for a better cashback interest rates as the debit card is being used  

Wants a flexible saving plans to suit the needs of the teen/minor  

Opportunity for an overdraft in necessary financial situations.  

User stories for the Teens/Minors 

As a teen/minor i need to make financial transactions without the need to open an account or face the  typical bank stress 

As a teen/minor i need to control, make payments via an atm, pos stands and online  As a teen/minor i would like to budget how i spend money and earn cashbacks 

Need to make financial decisions while being monitored by the paren 


Feature Brainstorm 


MSCW Framework on Features 


Must - Features that draws our target market to want to use the product 

Should - Features that are attractions to converting our target market to potential  customers 

Could - Features that will improve the customer experience and ensure smooth  operations of the product 

Won’t - Features will little or no effects to the customer’s experience 15

MSCW Framework on Features 


Interest rates on savings 

No need to set up an account for the  teen/minor 

Offers prepaid debit cards 


Spending tracker to monitor the debit  card transactions 

Savings tracker for the target market Visiting a nearby bank or look up more  information about the product 


Prepaid debit cards to make  

online/offline payments  

Overdraft features 

Better cashback and savings  


Won't have: 

Free banking service for  



Effort Estimation Using T-Shirt Framework 


Doesn’t require to set up an account M Prepaid debit cards to make payments XL 


Search for banks who offers prepaid  debit cards M 

Overdraft features XL 

Better cashback and saving plans L Interest rates L 

Savings tracker L 

Spending tracker L 


Parents and Teens information required  XL. 

Visit a nearby bank or look  

up information about the product M 

Won't have 

Free banking service for teenagers S 17

Effort Value Map 



Enrolling at entry level has to be a major highlight of my journey into product management  because I learnt quite a lot from this experience ranging from market research, problem  creation and ideation, product validation, conducting user interviews, understanding users  experience, analyzing key product assumptions to learning how MVP works, Agile  Methodologies, Basics of scrum to a whole lot I'd like to showcase for employers looking to  fill product management internship roles while still growing. 


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